Do you want to help create a happier and kinder world? If so, please join our movement, add your pledge and we'll send you practical action ideas to make a difference. By choosing to Join, you trust Action for Happiness to take care of your personal information and agree to our Privacy Policy.
I will try to create more happiness and less unhappiness in the world around me
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Exploring What Matters is an 8-week course where you can discover how to live a happier life.
To see the locations of the hundreds of courses we've run worldwide see the 'world map' below.
If you'd like to run the course, you can also put yourself forward as a Course Leader.
Watch BBC news coverage about the Exploring What Matters course, including support from our patron the Dalai Lama.
Click here for full list of current courses.
In addition to the courses shown on the map there are many more planned and we hope these will be confirmed and added soon.
For this initial roll-out phase we are focusing mainly on the UK, but we also hope to see the course running in many other countries over the coming years too.
For questions about the course contact [email protected]
You said...
I lead a local history walk so people can get to know their town nulla facilisi. Curabitur enim lacus, gravida nec, varius nec, blandit id, libero. Morbi orci velit, porttitor sed, imperdiet ac, ullamcorper id, arcu. Etiam cursus diam eu null.
We just need a little bit of information about you before we can add this to ouractions for happiness.
We’ll be in touch soon to give you updates on how the movement is growing
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